MOEMS®是一个非营利性团体,由国际知名数学教育家 George Lenchner 博士于 1977 年创立。 通过开展中小学数学思维活动来激发学生的学习热情,培养创造力,增强数学思维。2020-2021年共有来自全球6大洲35个国家的近 6,000只队伍,超过170,000 名学生参加了活动。参加活动的人次累计超过600万人次。是全球相同学段历史最悠久、最具影响力的活动之一。
MOEMS®是一家非营利性机构,致力于激发学生的数学热情,培养创造力,并加强他们对解决数学问题的直觉。 MOEMS®成立于1979年,近半世纪以来一直为四到八年级的孩子提供服务,以其悠久的历史和独特的风格为傲。
我们很高兴 MOEMS®已在中国大陆上线!
Meryl B. Fordin主任
MOEMS® is a non-profit organisation dedicated to inspiring students’ enthusiasm for mathematics, fostering creativity, and strengthening their intuition for solving mathematical problems. Founded in 1979 and serving children in grades four through eight for nearly half a century, MOEMS® is proud of its rich history and unique style.
From November to March, a monthly 30-minute event is held at a school or other location where teams of up to 35 members explore mathematical concepts and develop flexibility in solving non-routine problems by experimenting with multiple solutions. Through the activities, students will be helped to develop higher-level problem-solving skills and take them to the next level.
We are very happy that MOEMS® has been launched in Mainland China!
Best regards,
MOEMS® China